Streamlining Morning Chaos with a Visual Schedule

Morning Routine Visual.JPG


It doesn't matter if I pick my clothes out the night before, pack a lunch in the fridge, or prep breakfast on the weekend. Every morning finds me running out the door, starting my day feeling rushed and stressed.

Adding a little person to the mix has me explaining away my lateness with, "you get 10 minutes for every kid!"

But a rushed, stressed morning isn't a good start to the day and often leaves me feeling disconnected from the loved ones I hurried out the door and regretting my sharp tone.

One way to streamline the chaos is to give children some guidance in their morning tasks. Children thrive on routine and knowing what's expected of them. Even children who don't know how to read yet can understand or learn to associate pictures with the tasks they need to complete after they are guided through the steps a few times.

Having a consistent visual schedule reduces unpredictability for children, which also eliminates the battle. If brushing hair always comes after getting dressed, it's not something to negotiate.

Having a visual schedule also solves the problem of children feeling "nagged". The less instructions you have to give, the better! And they will be more likely to listen to the instructions you DO give.

You can print copies of a paper schedule to use every morning, stick it on the fridge and use magnets to "check" the boxes (my personal favorite), or if you're feeling crafty, print, laminate, and velcro the page and velcro check marks to be placed on each box after the step is completed.

Sometimes just having a visual schedule makes all the difference. It can also be helpful to take something that you were letting the kids do already (iPad time?) and make it the last step, or the reward for getting through all the other steps!

I'm curious: what is it that makes you late every morning (or are you one of those magical always on-time people?)? I think I've nailed my reason down as: the getting on the shoes, phone to purse, kid's bag process always takes longer than I think it's going to. Always.


End Picky Eating