Ready to Stop Co-sleeping

Get on the list for the most comprehensive online group coaching program out there, designed specifically for parents of kids two and older who are looking to stop co-sleeping in a gentle but effective manner. This toddler sleep intensive will include weekly meetings with myself (and access to support throughout the week), digital materials, and the community support of parents going through the same thing as you. This isn’t just another sleep course. There will be a limit of 8 parent per time slot, so email me to register today!

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Ending Sleep Battles with Erica


(Where you can get sleep tips: anywhere, quickly (and while simultaneously parenting!)


What’s the Right Bedtime for Your Child, and Why Does it Matter?

How Negative Sleep Associations Cause Night Time Wakeups

The Excuse Me Method


  • The Excuse Me Method is a gentle way to fade a parent’s presence as a sleep association

  • Good for older toddlers (and older)

  • Make an excuse to leave the room, keep doing this and leave for longer intervals, giving your child the opportunity to fall asleep independently

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Parents


  • Sleep deprivation causes parents to look and act less happy

  • Parents’ sleep deprivation affects driving safety

  • Sleep deprivation has multiple negative physical affects on adults

  • Sleep deprivation during pregnancy affects labor outcomes

  • Click to download the benefits and negative effects of sleep deprivation on kids, including a visual guide to the optimal amounts of sleep for children ages 2-9:

Travel with a Toddler…AND Still Sleep

The how to:

  1. Prepare: talk about it, give the new bed a test drive, and pack familiar objects

  2. Traveling: try to keep your child well rested, and remember sleep in motion is less restful.

  3. While there: maintain consistency in schedulew within reason, keep bedtime routine the same, keep it dark and quiet, and don’t worry if things don’t go perfectly

Eliminating Night Time Feedings (in Toddlers & Older)

Ready to stop night time feedings?

  1. Are you bottle feeding or breast feeding?

  2. If bottle feedings, systematically reduce the ounces you give every couple nights

  3. If breast feedings, move your little one to his or her own space.

  4. Then, have dad help!

  5. Or, reduce feedings by a minute every couple nights.

Tips to Get More Sleep During Daylight Saving Time

If you don’t want to start your day an hour “earlier”:

  1. Move bedtime a half hour later starting a few nights before the time change

  2. Adjust the rest of the routine as well

  3. After daylight saving time occurs, move bedtime to the normal time

  4. Get outside and plenty of access to daylight and diminishing evening light to regulate melatonin

The Do’s & Don’ts of Transitioning to a Toddler Bed

How to know when it’s time:

  1. Your child has started getting out of the crib

  2. Your little one has outgrown the crib

  3. They need to get out to use the bathroom in the night


  1. Transition the very first time they crawl out

  2. Move a child who is having sleeping troubles already

  3. Transition your little one right when a new sibling is born

  4. Make the move before age 3 if you don’t have to

Tips for making crib sleep last as long as possible:

  • Say “no, you need to stay in the crib” firmly through the door or monitor if they try to crawl out of the crib

  • Use a sleep sack

  • Remove crib bumpers or anything that can be used to climb

  • Make the crib as low as it can go

If you think your little one is getting ready to transition to their own bed, download this personalizable book with your own photos and start reading it together to help them get used to and excited about the idea!

The Importance of a Bedtime Routine

Bedtime Routines Tipsheet:

The Benefits of Kids Getting Enough Sleep


  • Benefits include better mood, learning more easily, better behavior (and many more)

  • Negative effects of regularly not getting adequate sleep include poorer immune functioning, obesity, anxiety (and more)

  • Naps are important for memory consolidation, executive attention, optimal motor skill development

  • Prefer a download of all benefits and negative effects, as well as a visual guide to the optimal amounts of sleep for children age 2-9? Click below:

Nightmare Triggers & Prevention


  • Typically no apparent reason

  • Stress or change

  • Being overtired or having an irregular sleep schedule

  • Trauma: injury, car accident, or even just a scary movie


  • Cozy and comforting bedtime routine

  • Make sure they get enough sleep

  • Regular sleep schedule and habits

  • Talk about the nightmare and/or potential stressors during the day

Help Your Child (and Yourself!) Get Sleep During the Holidays

Some tips:

  1. Use a sound machine

  2. Bring a portable blackout shade

  3. If you can’t get a nap, take some quiet time togetehr

  4. Beat bedtime FOMO by doing bedtime routine a little longer than usual

  5. Watch for overtiredness

  6. Set your own family sleep boundaries with family

  7. Schedule a couple “down days” to get everyone’s sleep back on track when the holidays are over

Wake Windows for 2 & 3 Year Olds

For 2-year-olds:

  1. Wake windows should be 4-6 hours

  2. Most 2-year-olds are still in need of a nap

For 3-year-olds:

  1. Wake windows are generally 5-6 hours

  2. Between age 3-4 is a common time to start dropping the nap

  3. Keep things consistent, and offer a nap/quiet time every day anyway

Transitioning to a Toddler Bed

When it’s time, here’s what to do:

  1. Start talking about it for a while before you actually make the transition.

  2. Consider breaking it down even more slowly and place the crib mattress on the floor first.

  3. Start sleeping in the new bed and naptime and the crib at night.

  4. Keep bedtime routine the same.

  5. Consider using an “OK to wake” clock

  6. If you need the crib for the new baby, wait a few months

  7. Celebrate!

New Siblings & Sleep

When Will My Child’s Sleep Struggles End?

Short answer: MAYBE!

  • “Behavioral Insomnia of Childhood” is the most common cause of sleep issues

  • There are two types:

    1. One type related to sleep onset associations

    2. Another related to limit-setting

  • Sleep problems persist often into middle childhood, and 11% of adolescents still struggle with significant insomnia

Young Sibling Room Sharing

Some tips:

  1. Start with a good sleeper

  2. Know that kids sleep pretty soundly during the first half of the night

  3. If you’re sleep training, move one out for a while

  4. Talk to the older sibling

  5. White noise.

  6. Space beds as much as possible

  7. Keep bedtimes staggered

  8. Do naps in different locations

  9. Use an “OK to wake” light

Split Nights & Schedules

Usually caused by: scheduling too much time in bed at night

  • Might be due to not napping well and being put down for early bedtimes repeatedly

  • Might be due to napping too long or too late

What to do:

  • Get naps on track

  • Don’t shift bedtime TOO early

  • Wake up in the morning at an appropriate time based on how much night sleep they should be getting

Making Your Little One’s Bedroom an Ideal Sleep Environment

Some Tips:

  • Temperature between 65 and 70 degrees

  • Keep the room dark

  • Keep the room quiet: use white noise!

  • Hide the toys

Bedtime Routines for Older Kids

Why and an example:

1) Kids are chronically sleep deprived and parental involvement and a consistent schedule can make sure they are getting enough

2) It can still be a time to bond and for your child to open up about their day


  1. Electronics off

  2. Brush teeth with adult

  3. Pajamas

  4. Read a book (or talk!)

  5. Lights out

Toddler (and older) Sleep Schedules


Ready to Stop Co-sleeping

Get on the list for the most comprehensive online group coaching program out there, designed specifically for parents of kids two and older who are looking to stop co-sleeping in a gentle but effective manner. This toddler sleep intensive will include weekly meetings with myself (and access to support throughout the week), digital materials, and the community support of parents going through the same thing as you. This isn’t just another sleep course. There will be a limit of 8 parent per time slot, so email me to register today!

Ending Sleep Battles with Erica


(Where you can get sleep tips: anywhere, quickly (and while simultaneously parenting!)


The Excuse Me Method


  • The Excuse Me Method is a gentle way to fade a parent’s presence as a sleep association

  • Good for older toddlers (and older)

  • Make an excuse to leave the room, keep doing this and leave for longer intervals, giving your child the opportunity to fall asleep independently

The Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Parents


  • Sleep deprivation causes parents to look and act less happy

  • Parents’ sleep deprivation affects driving safety

  • Sleep deprivation has multiple negative physical affects on adults

  • Sleep deprivation during pregnancy affects labor outcomes

  • Click to download the benefits and negative effects of sleep deprivation on kids, including a visual guide to the optimal amounts of sleep for children ages 2-9:

Travel with a Toddler…AND Still Sleep

The how to:

  1. Prepare: talk about it, give the new bed a test drive, and pack familiar objects

  2. Traveling: try to keep your child well rested, and remember sleep in motion is less restful.

  3. While there: maintain consistency in schedulew within reason, keep bedtime routine the same, keep it dark and quiet, and don’t worry if things don’t go perfectly

Eliminating Night Time Feedings (in Toddlers & Older)

Ready to stop night time feedings?

  1. Are you bottle feeding or breast feeding?

  2. If bottle feedings, systematically reduce the ounces you give every couple nights

  3. If breast feedings, move your little one to his or her own space.

  4. Then, have dad help!

  5. Or, reduce feedings by a minute every couple nights.

Tips to Get More Sleep During Daylight Saving Time

If you don’t want to start your day an hour “earlier”:

  1. Move bedtime a half hour later starting a few nights before the time change

  2. Adjust the rest of the routine as well

  3. After daylight saving time occurs, move bedtime to the normal time

  4. Get outside and plenty of access to daylight and diminishing evening light to regulate melatonin

The Do’s & Don’ts of Transitioning to a Toddler Bed

How to know when it’s time:

  1. Your child has started getting out of the crib

  2. Your little one has outgrown the crib

  3. They need to get out to use the bathroom in the night


  1. Transition the very first time they crawl out

  2. Move a child who is having sleeping troubles already

  3. Transition your little one right when a new sibling is born

  4. Make the move before age 3 if you don’t have to

Tips for making crib sleep last as long as possible:

  • Say “no, you need to stay in the crib” firmly through the door or monitor if they try to crawl out of the crib

  • Use a sleep sack

  • Remove crib bumpers or anything that can be used to climb

  • Make the crib as low as it can go

If you think your little one is getting ready to transition to their own bed, download this personalizable book with your own photos and start reading it together to help them get used to and excited about the idea!

The Benefits of Kids Getting Enough Sleep


  • Benefits include better mood, learning more easily, better behavior (and many more)

  • Negative effects of regularly not getting adequate sleep include poorer immune functioning, obesity, anxiety (and more)

  • Naps are important for memory consolidation, executive attention, optimal motor skill development

  • Prefer a download of all benefits and negative effects, as well as a visual guide to the optimal amounts of sleep for children age 2-9? Click below:

Nightmare Triggers & Prevention


  • Typically no apparent reason

  • Stress or change

  • Being overtired or having an irregular sleep schedule

  • Trauma: injury, car accident, or even just a scary movie


  • Cozy and comforting bedtime routine

  • Make sure they get enough sleep

  • Regular sleep schedule and habits

  • Talk about the nightmare and/or potential stressors during the day

Help Your Child (and Yourself!) Get Sleep During the Holidays

Some tips:

  1. Use a sound machine

  2. Bring a portable blackout shade

  3. If you can’t get a nap, take some quiet time togetehr

  4. Beat bedtime FOMO by doing bedtime routine a little longer than usual

  5. Watch for overtiredness

  6. Set your own family sleep boundaries with family

  7. Schedule a couple “down days” to get everyone’s sleep back on track when the holidays are over

Wake Windows for 2 & 3 Year Olds

For 2-year-olds:

  1. Wake windows should be 4-6 hours

  2. Most 2-year-olds are still in need of a nap

For 3-year-olds:

  1. Wake windows are generally 5-6 hours

  2. Between age 3-4 is a common time to start dropping the nap

  3. Keep things consistent, and offer a nap/quiet time every day anyway

Transitioning to a Toddler Bed

When it’s time, here’s what to do:

  1. Start talking about it for a while before you actually make the transition.

  2. Consider breaking it down even more slowly and place the crib mattress on the floor first.

  3. Start sleeping in the new bed and naptime and the crib at night.

  4. Keep bedtime routine the same.

  5. Consider using an “OK to wake” clock

  6. If you need the crib for the new baby, wait a few months

  7. Celebrate!

New Siblings & Sleep

When Will My Child’s Sleep Struggles End?

Short answer: MAYBE!

  • “Behavioral Insomnia of Childhood” is the most common cause of sleep issues

  • There are two types:

    1. One type related to sleep onset associations

    2. Another related to limit-setting

  • Sleep problems persist often into middle childhood, and 11% of adolescents still struggle with significant insomnia

Young Sibling Room Sharing

Some tips:

  1. Start with a good sleeper

  2. Know that kids sleep pretty soundly during the first half of the night

  3. If you’re sleep training, move one out for a while

  4. Talk to the older sibling

  5. White noise.

  6. Space beds as much as possible

  7. Keep bedtimes staggered

  8. Do naps in different locations

  9. Use an “OK to wake” light

Split Nights & Schedules

Usually caused by: scheduling too much time in bed at night

  • Might be due to not napping well and being put down for early bedtimes repeatedly

  • Might be due to napping too long or too late

What to do:

  • Get naps on track

  • Don’t shift bedtime TOO early

  • Wake up in the morning at an appropriate time based on how much night sleep they should be getting

Making Your Little One’s Bedroom an Ideal Sleep Environment

Some Tips:

  • Temperature between 65 and 70 degrees

  • Keep the room dark

  • Keep the room quiet: use white noise!

  • Hide the toys

Bedtime Routines for Older Kids

Why and an example:

1) Kids are chronically sleep deprived and parental involvement and a consistent schedule can make sure they are getting enough

2) It can still be a time to bond and for your child to open up about their day


  1. Electronics off

  2. Brush teeth with adult

  3. Pajamas

  4. Read a book (or talk!)

  5. Lights out

Toddler (and older) Sleep Schedules